Dalalka Urur Gobolleedka IGAD ayaa dhawaan shir ay isugu yimaadeen ku gaadhay go’aamo ku aadan aasaaska awood ciidan oo ku wajahan badda cas iyo Gacanka Cadmeed.
Shirkaasi oo aanay Somaliland ka qayb galin ayaa waxa natiijada ka soo baxday iyo go’aamada laga soo saaray ba gaashaanka ku dhuftay oo si adag uga hadlay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee Ucid Md Faysal Cali Waraabe, isagoo arrintaasi ka hadlayana waxa uu yidhi, “IGAD, bisha afarteedii waxay soo saartay go’aan ah aasaaska Awood Ciidan (Task Force) ayaa loo sameynayaa Badda cas iyo Gacanka Cadmeed, waxaana shirkaasi ka qayb galay Soomaaliya oo aan jirin”.
The 46th Ordinary Session of IGAD Executive Council of Ministers held in Djibouti on 27th February 2019 deliberated extensively on the geopolitical and security dynamics of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The Council, directed the IGAD Secretariat to establish a special task force of experts from member states to inter-alia, study, review, and advice on the conclusions and recommendations made in the presentation and to urgently chart a regional plan of action with clear timelines.
The IGAD Secretariat convened the IGAD Committee of Ambassadors meeting in Nairobi on 3rd and 4th April 2019 to implement the resolutions of the Council and hereby establish the IGAD Task Force on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
The Terms of Reference of the IGAD Task Force are as follows:
Composition of the Task Force
 An IGAD Task Force on the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden is hereby established composed of three technical experts drawn from the relevant Ministries/Departments/Agencies of the member states;
The Chairperson of the Task Force will be nominated as per the rules and regulations of IGAD;
The IGAD Special Mission to Somalia, Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden will act as Secretariat to the Task Force;
The Task Force may, whenever deemed appropriate, and subject to agreement by all its members, invite relevant persons to participate in its deliberations as an observer or advisory
 The Task Force will, inter alia;
Study, review, and advise on the way forward to implement the conclusions and recommendations of the 46th Ordinary IGAD Council and urgently chart a regional plan of action with clear
Develop a multi-disciplinary policy-oriented research and analysis geared towards better understanding of actors and issues in the Red Sea and the wider region, their implications on peace and security and economic development.
Develop a common position to protect the security and economic interests of the region
Regularly update the Committee of Ambassadors, IGAD Council and the Summit as may be
 Support and Coordination Mechanism
 The Task Force through the Special Envoy;
 shall be supported by the relevant IGAD specialised programmes and offices.
will coordinate its efforts with the African Union
liaise or consult with concerned regional and international partners and initiatives as deemed
 Commencement and Duration
 The Task Force shall commence upon its establishment and will discharge its work until it achieves the key deliverables contained in para 2(2.1).
The Terms of Reference shall be effective from the date of the establishment of the Task
 Meetings of the Task Force
 The Task Force shall meet regularly, at least quarterly or at the request of any of the members, and/or the Special Envoy at such venue as may be agreed
A meeting can be called to order if at least two thirds of the members of the Task Force are
The Task Force, shall make its decisions on the basis of consensus by its members.
The Task Force shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure as
 Funding / Resources
 The IGAD Secretariat will formulate a resource mobilization
Amendment to Terms of Reference
 This Terms of Reference may be amended through consensus by the members of the IGAD Committee of Ambassadors. Any such amendments shall constitute part of this Terms of
 IGAD Committee of Ambassadors Meeting Date 4th of April 2019
 Final IGAD Task Force for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden ToR
Faysal Cali Waraabe, waxa kale oo uu Dawladda dalkaasi Soomaaliya uu ku eedeeyey inay fara galin ku hayso Badda Somaliland, “Wasiirka Arrimaha dibada Soomaaliya dhulkeenii ayuu inagu dul baayacayaa, waayo waa innaga (Somaliland) cidda degan badda cas iyo Gulf-ka ee ma iyagaa degan (Soomaaliya), taasina waxay ku tusaysaa in arrimihii dibada ee adduunka aynu cidlo ka joogno oo ay cidlo ka haleen maamulkaa aan jirin ee uu Farmaajo, laakiin waxani wax loo adkeysan karayo maaha in koox yar oo qabyaalad ku fadhiyaa inay Baddii Soomaaliya oo dhan iibiyaan oo China siiyaan oo ay xaraashaan shidaalkii badda, dabadeedna kooxdaasi yari ay ka baxaan oo dhulkoodii ku noqdaan, markaa waxaanu leenahay Reer Muqdisho maaha waxani wax loo adkeysan karo”.